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top tier websites and IT solutions?
Why yes, come right in.

We have a whole team of gurus for your project here.
Fixed costs and timelines, too.


What we do

Getmount is a software company, but our job goes beyond that.

Based on the project's size and technologies needed, we assemble a team from the best IT-professionals in the game – yep, for every client.


From research and content strategies to branding to UX/UI to mobile-responsiveness – your design will be more than just a pretty picture. 


Nothing is left to chance: we'll take care of management, SEO, and testing on top of development.

Success Management

We won't send you into free fall after the launch – count on us to do maintenance, health сhecks, and further improvements if you need them.

Prices and timelines set in stone

We stick to strict deadlines and provide a detailed breakdown of the things you pay for. That means no delays and no hidden fees.

prices and timelines set in stone
prices and timelines set in stone

Best prices
for the best quality

We always give our partners our all – no matter the budget.



  • You fill out a simple form on our website
  • Exploration call where we do a deep dive into your business and its needs
  • We create a timeline and estimate the cost


  • We'll prepare design options and ask you to suggest edits
  • Development and testing of the website
  • We present the finished product and ensure the launch goes well


  • We’ll be there even after the launch to help your website run smoothly and improve with time!